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    4th of July Things To Do!

    On July 4th, 1776 marks the separation from the British Empire. To celebrate Independence Day, most people typically get a 3 day weekend! Here is a list of things to do around the Grand Rapids area this weekend.

    Pokegama Lake Fireworks

    Fireworks will be let off at Pokegama Golf Course at dusk. FREE shuttles will be provided from Essential Grand Rapids Clinic off of Golf Course Road. Starting at 8pm

    Food and beverage will be for sale on site through Pokegama Grill. Bathrooms on site. Bring your own chair or blanket.

    Live Music

    • July 1st Jesse Aultman at Rapids Brewing Company (6pm)
    • July 2nd Love Music/Formerly Charles Live at UnWined Up North (5pm)
    • July 2nd Michaela Smith at Rapids Brewing Company (6pm)
    • July 3rd Russ Sackett at Rapids Brewing Company (6pm)
    • July 4th Kim Harrington at Rapids Brewing Company (1pm)
    • July 3rd Blind Joe at VFW Post 1720 (8pm)

    Keewatin 4th of July Celebration

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    Hill City 4th of July Celebration

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    Nashwauk 4th of July Celebration

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    Celebrate the 4th of July in Nature

    Here in Itasca County there is an abundance of trails to hike, ATV and bike on. Relax in nature during the day before seeing fireworks at night. Head to the Visit Grand Rapids to see trails in the area. Bike/hike, ATV 

    Area Attractions

    Hours may vary due to the holiday weekend. Here are few places to check out.

    1. Judy Garland/ Children’s Museum
    2. Forest History Center
    3. Itasca Historical Society
    4. Joyce Estates
    5. Edge of the Wilderness Scenic Byway
    6. Lost 40
    7. Thunder Alley XL Bowling, Mini Golf and Batting Cages
    8. Tioga Recreation
    9. Any of the lakes in the greater Grand Rapids Area

    Please share your 4th of July adventure with us! Tag us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for a chance to be featured on our page.

    Lastly, please be advised of fire danger in the area. Here is a link to the Department of Natural Resources page to see restrictions and updates.

    Sign-up for a chance to WIN a $100 monthly Gas Card!

    Beginning October 2024 through April 2025 get a chance to be drawn for $100 gas gift card monthly!
