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    cross country skiing trails in grand rapids minnesota

    Cross Country Skiing Trails in Grand Rapids Minnesota

    Seek Solitude in the Winter Forest

    cross country skiing trails in grand rapids

    There is something very special about cross country skiing in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. With over 1 million publicly accessible acres and almost 200 KM of ski trail, you can seek solitude in the winter forests around the Grand Rapids, Minnesota area. One of the largest tracks of public land is the Chippewa National Forest. After that the George Washington Forest, Rajala Forest, and Blandin Forest, Itasca County and State public land make up the 1 million acres. These cross country ski trail are well maintained and groomed weekly. And the great thing about cross country skiing is that you can ski with low snow conditions as long as there is between 4-6 inches of base for the clubs to pack and groom.

    MN Ski Trail Pass

    cross country skiing trails in grand rapids

    There are 198 KM of cross country ski trails in the greater Grand Rapids, MN area. Remember to purchase your MN Ski Trail Pass. You must have the MN Ski Trail Pass to ski on these trails. The Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club, Itasca County and the MN DNR groom and maintain the cross country ski trails in the greater Grand Rapids, MN area. These trails vary between beginner to expert level. The Itasca County Cross Country Ski Map designates each trail so everyone can select trails that fit their ability; many family friendly trails to choose from. There are a mix of flat trails, trails with a mix of hills and curves that are located within mixed hardwood and pine forests that wind around bogs and area lakes. The Itasca Area Trails are very scenic, and a great opportunity to seek solitude. Please support the Itasca cross-country ski trails by considering being a member of the Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club

    Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club

    cross country skiing in grand rapids

    The Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club volunteers keep all 20 cross country trail systems well maintained and groomed. These volunteers are all passionate about the nordic ski sport to give their time and talents to ensure that all of the trails are well groomed. The great things about these trails is that you do not need a lot of snow to cross country ski – well not as much as snowmobiling. Typically club volunteers can groom with 4-6 inches of snow. Typically they start packing the trails, once they have trimmed the trees, branches, bushes and tall grass that has grown up on the trail over the summer and fall season. The 198 KM of cross country ski trail in the Grand Rapids, Minnesota area are some of the best cross country ski trails in the state. You will experience a mix of hardwood and pine forests that are beginner level to intermediate. Some trails are fairly flat, and others have hills and curves. This makes our trails perfect for all ages and levels of cross county skiers. Each year Northern Lights Nordic Ski Club volunteers for the youth ski program that takes place on Sundays at Mt Itasca in the winter. This program provides equipment and skills training to area youth. It is a great way to get young people outside in the winter and teach them a new life-long skill.

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