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    Top 5 Things To Do Downtown

    Downtown Grand Rapids is a great place to explore no matter the season. But, in summer it is full of live music, blossoming art, events, shopping opportunities and a chance to experience the history under the sun on a warm day. Here are the top 5 things to do downtown from a local perspective.

    1. Events

    Every first Friday of the month is First Friday Art Walk. Businesses downtown host local artist and musicians. There is also food trucks and live music in the Old Central School grounds. Also, downtown August 6th-8th is Tall Timber Days. Come downtown for a weekend of vendors, a street dance, pet parade and of course lumberjack shows. New to downtown is Grand Rapids Riverfest!!!! September 10th-11th we have headliners Trampled by Turtles and Yonder Mountain String Band.  Get your tickets HERE.

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    2. Visiting Art & Historic Sites

    Grand Rapids is known for the art and history that the downtown has. Great historic spots to check out are Old Central School, Pokegama Hotel, and Pokegama Bridge. For art spots, head down to the Mississippi River to see the Angel of Hope, the metal canoe sculpture, and the Blandin Paper Company Grinderman Stature. To see the full list of art and historic sites click HERE.  Lastly, don’t forget to stop at heart of downtown and get a picture on the Big Red Chair.

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    Downtown you will find locally owned stores with unique Up North souvenirs. Also, we have a wide variety of antique shops to explore and of course we have stores with new items. Find a new top, a Minnesota mug, or an antique record. When shopping downtown, there are so many treasures to find. Here is a list of great places to check out. Central Square Mall, Old Central School, Lake Lover Vintage, Wings and Willows, Lake & Co., Stained Glass with Class, Briers, Benders, Shaw Florists, North In Bloom, 218 Style and Plumer’s Fine Furniture .

    Downtown Shopping

    4.Live Music

    There is live music most days in the downtown area. Check out our events calendar to see a full list. Places that typically host live music include Rapids Brewing Company, UnWined Up North, Klockow Brewing Company and The Reif . 

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    5.Meet the Community

    When you visit downtown, there is an instant sense of community. If you go into a store, a place to eat or drink, you get the Minnesota Nice and will more than likely meet the owners. Grand Rapids is home to many locally owned businesses. We welcome everyone with open arms to visit out community and hopefully for summers to come. There’s no place like Grand Rapids.


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