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    Grand Rapids, MN Fishing Report 6-26-24

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    Tom Neustrom Walleye

    Grand Rapids, MN Fishing Report 6-26-24

    Fishing report by tom neustrom

    Tom Neustrom Fishing This week’s Grand Rapids, MN Fishing Report 6-26-24 provided by Tom Neustrom, owner of MN Fishing Connections. 

    The fishing has been very good when we get consistent weather, but as of late the winds and high amounts of rain have made things a little difficult. After nearly 2 1/2 years of drought conditions it’s refreshing to see our accesses on area lakes up to normal if not higher. Anglers are able to get their boats in and out of area lakes with little or no problems. The Mississippi River current is running fast so extra care should be used in reference to using the river. Small children should probably stay away from the river until the current subsides.


    Walleye fishing has been good on area lakes with the jig and minnow bite still holding its own. Crawlers and leeches are becoming more of a choice due to incurring bug hatches that have been increasingly noticeable. It’s the time of the year that bringing a little bit of live bait in 2-3 categories makes sense. As opposed to the last few years there seems to be plenty of bait around this year. Being on the water frequently allows anglers to notice conditions and how things can change from day to day. Areas to pay attention to for daytime walleyes are edges of sunken islands, points, new emerging weed beds, and shallow cover on cloudy days. Some of the lakes in the Grand Rapids and Itasca County are Big Splithand, Moose, Deer, Jesse, Big Winnie, and Bowstring. The evening bite due to extremely clear water has been excellent. Some of the best walleye fishing of the summer will be happening in the next few weeks.


    Bass fishing has been slow to get going, but now with the weather warming and spawn over, both species of bass are starting to recover and bite. With the higher water of late, there are areas that large and smallmouth bass have not had the luxury of exploring uncharted locations because with the low water haven’t existed. Largemouth for instance mostly occupy shallow weed cover, docks, wood and at times deep weeds. This is where their primary food sources exist. Minnows, small bluegills, crayfish, and other forage make up their existence. Small mouth bass are a slightly different critter with similar food categories with a strong diet of crayfish. The habitat smallmouth bass occupy dictates a different food category and opportunity becomes even more identifiable. Smallmouth Bass like cooler water temperature than Largemouth and like rock, gravel and a mixture of sandgrass. As opposed to weeds, Smallmouth like deeper water close by and prefer clearer water to target their food. Small baits such as Ned Rigs, Drop Shot, Tubes, and small crank baits work well when chasing smallmouth bass.


    Some of the good Largemouth lakes are Big and Little Splithand, Pokegama, Rice, Long lake, Trout lake, and Loon lake just to mention a few. For smallmouth try  Deer lake, Pokegama, Trout lake, Moose lake, or Turtle . All contain both species of bass with smallmouth bass being a good shot at a trophy. Small crankbaits, Ned Rigs, Drop Shot, and jerk baits are all good choices to boat smallmouth.


    Northern Pike have become very active of late and any number of lakes in the area provide for good pike fishing. Pokegama, Big Winnie, Round, Swan, and Trout lakes are just to mention some and a real good chance at a trophy 10 pounds or larger. They are sort of a flash and dash species of fish a with a very attractant to fast moving baits moved quickly over the tops of weeds and along edges of rock piles. Bigger pike will many times be found in deeper water where the forage they prefer can be found. Deep cabbage weeds are another good location to find big pike. Large Spinner baits, crank baits, jerk baits, and large suckers are sure fire baits to attract pike of all sizes.


    Itasca County has over 1500 fishable lakes with multiple species providing great opportunities to catch fish. Great fishing, great information, great places to stay all provide fun and excitement when visiting our area.


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