Header Image Caption: Dylan Elhardt caught this nice bass on a lake located north of Grand Rapids.

This week’s Grand Rapids Fishing Report brought to you by: Andy Walls. You can find Andy at Thousand Lake Sporting Goods for bait and all of your fishing equipment and gear.
With summer’s heat swinging into full force, it has thrown the greater Grand Rapids, Minnesota area into mid summer patterns rather quickly. Fishing for all species has been flourishing to say the least, and they really seem to be starting to school up for the summer.
Panfish like crappie and bluegill have been coming topside frequently, and the warm weather seems to be pushing them to the deeper grass edges in 8-13 feet of water where they will position most of the summer. Artificial presentations under a float or on a jig casted and retrieved can both prove to be effective techniques to trick these fish when they are active. When things are slowing down, anglers have been having the best success with a dressed jig (hair or feathers) under a float with either a crappie minnow or leech.
The walleye fishing is certainly changing with the warm weather setting in. With the fish moving off shoreline structures and shifting out closer to the deeper summer haunts, it has them grouped up more and easier to find. Most anglers are locating these schools of fish in 14-30 feet of water depending on the weather (shallower in the wind and deeper when it’s calm). A jig and a minnow is still producing good results for a lot of the area guides, but we are also hearing some great reports with lindy rigs, spinners, and bobbers paired with a leech or nightcrawler.
Bass fishing has been pretty typical for the time of the year. They are mostly done spawning now, but there are still some hanging around in those same areas as well as some moving out to deeper structures and grass beds. Topwater and plastic worms are a staple when the spawn is over. We typically have good success by starting out working the outside/deeper edge of the emergent vegetation quickly with a topwater to find areas of active fish, and moving deeper with the plastic worm as the day progresses. We have seen the best success on falter areas in 4-8 feet of water.