Wandering Reindeer Shops - Visit Grand Rapids Skip to content
wandering reindeer

Wandering Reindeer Shops

Book, Bake & Lefse Sale
“Up North” Stew Lunch $10.00. 11-1
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Zion Lutheran Church
2901 S. Hwy 169, Grand Rapids
9:00Am to 3:00PM

Unique handmade arts and crafts including: natural and gemstone jewelry, pottery, charcuterie boards, cards, herbal salts and salves, sewn and embroidered goods, honey, pet items, burl bowls, cribbage boards, lasered mugs and tumblers, purses, table runners, costume jewelry, wood sleighs, trays, napkin holders, small wood dolls, Scandinavian items, honey, relief art prints, fabric items including bowl cozies, maple syrup, water bottle and cell phone holders, hats, gnomes, doll clothes, scrubbies and more. Christmas and seasonal items.


Nov 05 2022


9:00 am - 3:00 pm


Zion Lutheran Church
QR Code

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