Northland Mutual UFO Network’s January Public Meeting with Guest Speaker: Clas Svahn
Come join us for a fascinating presentation on the UFO phenomenon in Scandinavia by Clas Svahn, live via Zoom from Sweden. Clas is a recently retired Swedish journalist, archiver, author and international speaker. He is the chairman of UFO-Sverige and AFU (Archives for the Unexplained), has led expeditions searching for proof of “ghost rockets” and has been training UFO investigators since the 1990”s. Check out his blog here for additional information (English or Swedish option): https://csblogg.ufo.se/csblogg3/?page_id=79672
After the presentation, we will also cover recent UFO/UAP investigations in ND and MN. The hybrid meeting is “ in person” in both Fargo, ND (James Carlson Public Library on 32nd Avenue S.) and Grand Rapids, MN (VFW) and is connected by Zoom (link available in the insider’s section at www.northlandmufon.com. While there is no admission fee, a suggested free will donation of $5 – $10 to cover our costs would be appreciated, but it’s certainly not required. While we do offer a Zoom option, attending the meeting in person at either location is a great way to meet like-minded people! We hope to see you on the 21st!
1:30-2pm Social Time
2-2:15pm Announcements
2:15-3:15 Presentation and Q & A with Class
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-4:30 What’s Up in the Northland