Miss Lillian: More Than a President’s Mother
Lillian Carter was much more than President Jimmy Carter’s mother – she was a social activist, great humanitarian, nurse, peanut farmer, and nurturer. She celebrated her 70th Birthday in India while serving in the Peace Corps. She was astonishing in her ordinariness: she loved to fish and disliked cooking. But to describe her as “ordinary” is so far off the mark, as her President-son called her “Remarkable.” This play introduces us to this woman who refused to bow to the attitudes of her Southern surroundings, a free-thinker who enjoyed professional wrestling, who nurtured the best human qualities in all with whom she interacted. Mis Lillian loved her soap opera and a glass of good bourbon – often at the same time! Audiences internationally have appreciated meeting this “belle,” warts and all. There is no effort, no need, to present her as an angel. Her life is inspiring, funny, ever-changing, and, as is true of most people, sometimes tragic. She was an “original.” No one who met her ever forgot her. Once you see her story come to life, you won’t forget her either.