Golf for Cancer Care
Gather your team of four and join Forward Health Foundation and Blueberry Hills Golf Course for a 9-hole golf tournament in support of the Jim Tarbell Cancer Care Fund. Registration starts at 8:00 am, tee off at 9:00 am. Thank you to Blueberry Hills and Paul Bunyan Communications for your corporate support of this event! Pay-out based upon number of registered teams.
Honor your loved ones: In lieu of requested event corporate sponsorships, individuals have the opportunity to acknowledge loved ones who have experienced cancer through signs placed at tee boxes. Anyone who wishes to recognize loved ones while supporting our local cancer care fund can participate by making a suggested donation of $50 (min) per tribute. If you wish to participate, follow this link, and select the “Jim Tarbell Cancer Care” fund: Tribute
Registration: Cost is $200 per team. Register by calling 218-246-8010.